Chicago Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Joseph Conboy | March 31, 2023
Chicago pedestrian accident lawyer

The number of motor vehicle accidents in Chicago that involved other vehicles has decreased over the last few years, while the number of pedestrian accidents increased during the same period.

It is essential to contact a Chicago Pedestrian Accident Lawyer who knows the laws related to pedestrian accidents and determining fault and compensation.

At Conboy Law, we understand the life-altering effects of pedestrian accidents on people and their family members.

Our Chicago Pedestrian Lawyer Will Fight for Your Right to Just Compensation

Our pedestrian lawyer will fight for your right to just compensation

People who practice good pedestrian safety laws could have serious injuries or experience fatal injuries because of negligent drivers. People who do their best to avoid a car crash that involves pedestrians may become the victim of a negligent driver.

Our Chicago pedestrian accident attorney is here for you and your family. We treat every case as a unique situation because we know that every pedestrian accident has specific details that differ from other Illinois pedestrian accidents. 

Pedestrian Accidents Statistics in Chicago

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that in 2020, more than 55,000 pedestrians were injured, and 6,516 were killed in traffic crashes. Shockingly, the agency has revealed that there’s a pedestrian killed every 81 minutes somewhere in the U.S. during 2020. Those staggering statistics include the pedestrians injured and killed in and around Chicago.   

The 2016-2020 Illinois Crash Data Trends, published by the Illinois Department of Transportation, indicates that Cook County had 94 pedestrian deaths in 2020, which accounted for 53.7 percent of all pedestrian traffic-related deaths in the state during that year.

There is a possible decrease in pedestrian accidents that resulted in injuries because fewer people regularly left home in 2019 and 2020. The fact remains that there were 2,324 people injured in the Chicago area because of a car accident that injured pedestrians.

Reach out to us at Conboy Law! Our Chicago pedestrian accident lawyer has the expertise to go against the big insurance agencies and is an attorney who knows pedestrian laws in Chicago. 

Common Causes of Chicago Pedestrian Accidents

Common causes of pedestrian accidents

Some of the top causes of motor vehicle traffic accidents that result in injury or death to pedestrians include: 

  • Speeding;
  • Alcohol or other drugs;
  • Dark streets;
  • Failure to yield the right of way;
  • Vehicle design; and
  • Distracted driving.

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) indicates that speeding is a factor in more pedestrian deaths, as pedestrian fatalities are increasing faster than all other traffic deaths. A motor vehicle speeding down a Chicago street may cause serious injuries or a fatal accident for a pedestrian. Both the driver and the pedestrian have less time to react when a driver is speeding. 

Alcohol is a significant cause of pedestrian-related accidents. Drinking alcohol impairs the reaction time of drivers, increasing the risk of striking a pedestrian.

Many pedestrians in an accident turn to a  Chicago pedestrian accident lawyer, who has the experience to advocate for their client’s rights. Our personal injury attorney at Conboy Law has an impressive track record of representing people with a Chicago pedestrian accident claim.

Pedestrians walking along a dark road or crossing the street at night are more likely to be struck by a vehicle, especially when the driver is negligent.

Motor vehicle drivers often cause car accidents because they fail to yield the right of way, causing a pedestrian accident. Our skilled and experienced pedestrian accident lawyers can represent clients and win personal injury lawsuits to get fair compensation for their clients.

Vehicle design is essential when considering Chicago pedestrian accident statistics and causes. Several sources indicate that pedestrians are at risk of experiencing pedestrian accident injuries when a driver is behind the wheel of an SUV. One study found that SUVs are more likely than cars to strike pedestrians when making turns.

Distracted driving is a major cause of pedestrian crashes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains that these cases caused 424,000 pedestrian injuries and 3,100 fatalities in 2019. 

Types of Injuries from Pedestrian Accidents

Types of injuries from pedestrian accidents

Some car accident cases that involve pedestrians may not result in serious injury. Many injuries are not always visible, or the person may not realize that they have injuries that result in high medical bills after the car accident.

Get the medical treatment you need and let our Chicago pedestrian accident lawyers at Conboy Law work on your personal injury claim.

Some types of injuries that occur to an injured pedestrian include: 

  • Spinal injuries and neck injuries. Spinal cord injuries require immediate medical attention. Pedestrians should never assume that because they have mild to moderate pain in their back after the accident, they do not have a serious injury to their spinal cord or neck. Paralysis sometimes occurs right away when there is a spinal cord injury but may not happen until some time later. 
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI). A TBI occurs when a sudden jolt, blow to the head, or another external force damages the brain. It is dangerous and potentially life-threatening when it occurs in any traffic accident, including a pedestrian accident case. A traumatic brain injury is one of the most common causes of disability and death. Some people may have symptoms such as a shortened attention span or poor balance, while others experience tremors, impaired abilities with activities of daily living (ADLs), or coma. 
  • Broken bones. Broken bones are not minor injuries. It can impair pedestrians’ ability to perform their activities of daily living and can affect their ability to work, resulting in lost wages. 
  • Wrongful death. Wrongful death lawsuit cases that involve pedestrians are brought by a Chicago pedestrian accident attorney on behalf of family members of the deceased loved one. 

Severe injuries often lead to death in pedestrian accidents. One in six people who died in a traffic accident in 2020 was a pedestrian. The Governors Highway Safety Association revealed that the level of increase in pedestrian fatalities in 2021 was the largest number of pedestrian fatalities in four decades. 

Determining Liability After a Pedestrian Accident in Chicago

Determining liability after a pedestrian accident

Vehicle drivers and pedestrians have responsibility for traffic safety under Illinois law. How is liability determined at an accident scene? Who does the law protect in the state?

The truth is that the law protects both drivers and pedestrians. The fact that both are covered is why it is essential to determine liability after a crash involving a pedestrian.

Vehicle Drivers

Illinois Article X. Pedestrians’ Rights and Responsibilities requires that drivers “exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian.” Unfortunately, some drivers fail to obey that duty of care.  

Drivers must slow down even when a pedestrian walks close to a curb but is still on the sidewalk. The pedestrian could fall off the curb and into the vehicle’s path. The driver who fails to obey laws regarding the duty of care to pedestrians is often held liable for pedestrian injuries or deaths that they cause in an accident.


Pedestrians have a duty of care when they walk along sidewalks, on streets or highways with no sidewalks, or when crossing streets. The statutes require that pedestrians crossing anywhere other than within a regular crosswalk yield the right of way to all vehicles.

People who walk at night must make themselves visible by avoiding  dark clothing and yielding to vehicles at any place where cars have the right of way.

Government Entities

Government entities sometimes have liability for pedestrian crashes. Government agencies are often liable if their crosswalks are not visible or traffic signals must be in order.

Sidewalks in a state of disrepair are a potential danger to pedestrians. Government agencies and other entities are liable if broken sidewalks cause pedestrians to stumble or fall and a vehicle hits the pedestrian. 

Factors That Contribute to Pedestrian Accidents in Chicago

The CDC reports that in 2020, an estimated 104,000 pedestrians were treated in emergency rooms for non-fatal crash injuries. A more alarming statistic is that one of every six people who died in a crash was a pedestrian. Cook County, Illinois, had the highest pedestrian injuries and fatalities that year.

Pedestrian Negligence

Pedestrians sometimes contribute to accidents when they fail to exercise reasonable care for their safety, as required by Illinois legal statutes. Some ways that pedestrians contribute to accidents include: 

  • Running in front of a motor vehicle;
  • Failing to use marked crosswalks; 
  • Failing to comply with the “walk” and “don’t walk” signals; and
  • Walking after using alcohol or other drugs.

Driver Negligence

Drivers are legally required to exercise due care to avoid pedestrian accidents. Vehicle drivers who fail to exercise due care and drive negligently are often legally liable in a pedestrian accident lawsuit.

Illinois Compiled Statutes indicate that motor vehicle drivers must yield the right of way to pedestrians at traffic crossing signals, when in a school zone, to disabled pedestrians, and to pedestrians who use mobility devices. Some ways negligent drivers cause pedestrian accidents include: 

  • Speeding;
  • Failing to yield the right of way;
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs;
  • Failing to obey traffic signals; and 
  • Engaging in distracted driving.

What To Do if You’re Injured in a Pedestrian Accident in Chicago

What to do if you're injured in a pedestrian accident

Act immediately to preserve your legal rights and options for a pedestrian accident case.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Seek medical attention immediately, even if you do not need it. Many people do not realize that they are injured right away. You could have internal injuries.

Document the Scene and Keep All Information

Take photos of the scene. Gather the names and contact information of any witnesses. Keep all police reports.

Report the Crash to Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company. Do not speak to the driver’s insurance company for any reason.

Seek Legal Assistance

Contact an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer. Our lawyers at Conboy Law have experience in all types of personal injury cases. Your attorney will handle communications between all involved parties. 

Statute of Limitations on Pedestrian Accidents

Illinois has a two-year statute of limitations for injured parties or their surviving loved ones to file a lawsuit, including after a motor vehicle accident or a pedestrian crash. Attempting to bring a lawsuit after two years will likely result in the court refusing to hear the case. 

Recovering Damages for Pedestrian Accidents in Chicago

Recovering damages for your injuries after a pedestrian accident does not have to be overwhelming. Our experienced personal accident attorney has the knowledge and experience to advocate for you to ensure you receive just compensation for your injuries.

You may receive compensation for lost wages, medical expenses and future medical costs, physical and emotional pain and suffering, and other compensation determined by the court.

Comparative Negligence in Pedestrian Accident Cases

Illinois uses the modified comparative negligence principle. The Illinois Department of Insurance explains that injured parties may recover compensation if they are less than 50% at fault.

The amount of compensation offered may be reduced by the injured party’s percentage of responsibility.  

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Chicago Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Schedule a free consultation

Contact the experienced pedestrian accident attorney at Conboy Law for a free consultation. A personal injury lawsuit that involves a pedestrian is complex and requires knowledge of the laws.  

Our pedestrian accident attorneys will gather evidence and talk to your insurance company and the other party’s auto insurance company. We advocate for your rights and fight to get fair compensation for you. Contact our Chicago pedestrian accident lawyer today.

Thanks to this amazing law firm, I was able to successfully bring justice and get the help I needed. They really care a lot about their clients, they’re 100 percent fully involved in your case and will do the most to make sure you get the help you need. Thanks for everything!
Tiffany H.
I can't say enough about Joseph Conboy. He was a true asset during our personal injury claim and had such an amazing legal approach, which made me feel like his top priority from day one! I'm so grateful we were able to work together for this win/win outcome.
Jackson K.
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